[DUG] Intraweb issues

stephen at bertram.co.nz stephen at bertram.co.nz
Wed Mar 11 11:32:49 NZDT 2015

Problem now solved - just had to set the forms' LockOnSubmit property
false, though this does seem a workaround rather than correct operation. 
	Anyone using Intraweb? I'm trying to sort out an issue in Intraweb
14.0.34/ XE3 where an attempt to download a file using
WebApplication.SendFile(): 1. if called from an Asynch event it fails with
"Reply type already set", even if preceded by
WebApplication.Response.ResetReplyType;. 2. if called from a blocking event
it works but the event never completes. Also I can't find any documentation
on the Intraweb javascript function executeAjaxEvent(). Any tips? TIA
Stephen Bertram
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