Problem now solved - just had to set the forms' LockOnSubmit property false, though this does seem a workaround rather than correct operation. <br><blockquote style="border-left: solid 2px #000000; margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px"><br><pre>Anyone using Intraweb?
I'm trying to sort out an issue in Intraweb 14.0.34/ XE3 where an attempt
to download a file using WebApplication.SendFile():
1. if called from an Asynch event it fails with "Reply type already set",
even if preceded by WebApplication.Response.ResetReplyType;.
2. if called from a blocking event it works but the event never completes.
Also I can't find any documentation on the Intraweb javascript function
executeAjaxEvent(). Any tips?
Stephen Bertram</pre></blockquote>