[DUG] Delphi Jobs in NZ

Jackson Gomes jfdmg at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 26 16:01:59 NZDT 2011

Hi all:
My name is Jackson Gomes and currently live on Brazil. I'm planning to move to New Zealand (Auckland) with family in the upcoming months of 2012 (March or April).
I'm a Delphi Dev since 1995 and have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and wondering how is the market for Delphi devs in NZ. 
I currently work for Atozed (I work on the IntraWeb developers/support team), but I need to be legally hired by a NZ company (I'm on the Skilled Migrant category).
Any information you can give will be very valuable for me.
Also, feel free to contact me in private (jfdmg at hotmail DOT com).
--Jackson Gomes 		 	   		  
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