[DUG] Lazarus

Todd Martin todd.martin.nz at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 14:14:45 NZST 2022

> Q1 - What is the comparison of Lazarus executable size versus early 
> Delphi and later Delphi?   I have noticed Delphi exes have grown in 
> size a lot, mostly I understand from more RTTI.
There are quite a few compiler options in Lazarus to strip the bloat out 
of the exes. You need to experiment but typically they are still 
slightly bigger than Delphi. At least that used to be the case. 
Nevertheless the difference is negligible in this day and age.

The FPC compiler continues to evolve and accommodate more and more third 
party Delphi components. One thing I really love about the FPC compiler 
is it's ability to generate information about redundant unit references 
in the /uses/ clauses; making it a no-brainer to delete them. One thing 
I hate about the FPC compiler is its inability to handle object pascal 
properties in the (GDB) debugger. It's not a show stopper because you 
can typically reference the object field name instead, but it's still an 


> Also Wallace - you might be a bit unfair on MS there - is there any 
> area of computer support more prone to grief and aggravation than a 
> Computer + Printer?
> On 5/07/2022 1:12 pm, Todd Martin wrote:
>> >Does anyone know how compatible Lazarus is with Delphi.
>> In terms of compatibility the first thing to look at is which third 
>> party components you're using, if any. If you use TMS or DevExpress 
>> components then you're stuck with Delphi. However for grids and trees 
>> /Virtual TreeView/ is a powerful opensource alternative that has been 
>> ported to Lazarus.
>> Additionally Lazarus does not support FMX. Cross-platform development 
>> is handled using the standard LCL (equivalent of VCL) components.
>> Todd.
>> On 5/07/2022 12:34 pm, Marshland Engineering wrote:
>>> Hi Paul
>>> Great reply.
>>> I started with bBase III many many moons ago. I gave up commercial programming
>>> in 1997. The headache with windows was just too much for me.  Why must my
>>> customers pay for things not working when its just not their fault ?
>>> Recently, I had USB Dymo label printer that stopped working. I paid for MS
>>> support and 6 hours later, I got the option to reinstall my OS. HA - I did get
>>> a refund !!! A USB printer couldn't be fixed.
>>> On that line I tried to install the community edition to try and compile for
>>> Android. I could not even get the software to run and, as it is a community
>>> version, there is no support.
>>> I think if you have been in Delphi for years, you would probably upgrade as
>>> time when on, but starting from scratch, it is just too cumbersome and
>>> overwhelming to get going. I cant see anyone new joining and paying for
>>> Delphi. On the other hand, Lazarus just seems to work, and is neat and tidy.
>>> Dare to say, they 'stole' a lot from old Delphi IDE which make it easier to
>>> adapt.
>>> Delphi 6 still does everything I want. If they had to launch a 6 version
>>> today, they may get more new users.
>>> I am and engineer and not a software junkie so I do come from a different mind
>>> set. My stuff is all in house and not web based.
>>> Cheers Wallace
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> John Bird
> 022 3844-527
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