[DUG] Lazarus

Jeremy Coulter jscoulter at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 14:08:30 NZST 2022

A couple of years ago I made the mistake of installing Lazarus onto a
Raspberry Pi 3 I think, maybe it was a 2 I cant remember exactly. OMG it
was SOOO SLOOOWW :-) Then I realised you write the code on a windows box
and compile it on the Raspberry Pi :-D
On that not, this is a really cool project  https://ultibo.org/

I have tried Lazarus a couple of times over the years and have tried to
recreate current projects in Delphi in it, but there were constraints of
controls. There are a few more companies supporting it in the component
space now which is good.
I think I am just so used to Delphi and my one pet peeve with Lazarus is
the location of the "Projects" menu. It feels out of place. Only a small
thing :-)


On Tue, Jul 5, 2022 at 12:35 PM Marshland Engineering <
marshland at marshland.co.nz> wrote:

> Hi Paul
> Great reply.
> I started with bBase III many many moons ago. I gave up commercial
> programming
> in 1997. The headache with windows was just too much for me.  Why must my
> customers pay for things not working when its just not their fault ?
> Recently, I had USB Dymo label printer that stopped working. I paid for MS
> support and 6 hours later, I got the option to reinstall my OS. HA - I did
> get
> a refund !!! A USB printer couldn't be fixed.
> On that line I tried to install the community edition to try and compile
> for
> Android. I could not even get the software to run and, as it is a community
> version, there is no support.
> I think if you have been in Delphi for years, you would probably upgrade as
> time when on, but starting from scratch, it is just too cumbersome and
> overwhelming to get going. I cant see anyone new joining and paying for
> Delphi. On the other hand, Lazarus just seems to work, and is neat and
> tidy.
> Dare to say, they 'stole' a lot from old Delphi IDE which make it easier to
> adapt.
> Delphi 6 still does everything I want. If they had to launch a 6 version
> today, they may get more new users.
> I am and engineer and not a software junkie so I do come from a different
> mind
> set. My stuff is all in house and not web based.
> Cheers Wallace
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