[DUG] Power laptops

Alister Christie alister at salespartner.co.nz
Tue Dec 8 09:26:04 NZDT 2020

If you are wanting something with lots of grunt then AMD is currently king
- Ryzen 7 4800H (or HS) for the highest performance or 4800u for mobility.
I've been looking for something with a 4800U with 16GB Ram for a while,
with no luck.


I've been thinking about a Zenbook 14, but they only seem to be available
with 4700u CPUs (no hyperthreading, although still 8 cores).  Some of the
10th/11th "U" Gen i7's have better single-core performance than the 4800U.
If you are after a beast then a gaming laptop with an R9 4900H might be
your best bet.  Gaming laptops are often quite upgradable in terms of
memory and SSD/NVMe, but usually are quite heavy, with big power bricks.

Something that charges over USB would also be nice, so you can use one of
the new tiny GaN chargers.

Sorry for the late reply.

Alister Christie
Computers for People
Ph: 04 471 1849www.salespartner.co.nz
PO Box 13085

On Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 1:38 PM John Bird <johnkbird at xtra.co.nz> wrote:

> Another topic I would love feedback on – I have had sterling service from
> my reliable HP Envy laptop – it is still power specs even today  (I7 CPU,
> 16GB RAM, originally 2TB HDD – now SSD, 17” 1920x1080)
> but it is 7 years old and no more RAM upgrade possible (only DDR3) , and
> looking around for a replacement.
> So far best candidates I have seen are
> HP ZBook 17 G6 or G7   (4 DDR4 slots up to 128GB and up to 2 M2 SSDs and
> 2 Sata SSDs)
> Lenovo Thinkpad P53
> Dell 7530 or 7730
> I would like your opinions of favourite power laptop and what you
> particularly love about it.
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