[DUG] Multi client website
Leigh Wanstead
leigh.wanstead at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 09:49:58 NZST 2016
Hi Stefan,
I work for the company as employee and the price is my boss told me how
expensive to run the websites to server au/nz customers. Yes, there are
multiple servers in Sydney and the other au city.
I am using amazon aws ec2 server free instance for learning purpose running
ubuntu linux to see how to work with 1gb ram :-) Amazon aws ec2 free
instance has a very fast internet connection :-) I got around 40ms round
trip time from amazon which is amazing.
On 3 August 2016 at 05:05, Stefan Mueller <muellers at orcl-toolbox.com> wrote:
> Hi Leigh,
> >>Your suggestion usd3 per month is really share hosting with thousands of
> server on the same box, right? I guess windows iis server will not be very
> happy about that. I think linux server is very happy about that.
> If you go with GoDaddy then yes, you probably end up sharing an overloaded
> box with thousands of others … with discountasp I never really had much
> performance issues for a normal website (like I said, “you get what you pay
> for”).
> >>I think that you really don't want to share with others for the same
> machine on windows server asp.net mvc.
> Two interesting links from what others are doing are
> https://plentyoffish.wordpress.com/2007/02/09/aspnet-and-iis-2-million-pageviews-per-hour/
> and http://highscalability.com/stack-overflow-architecture ... Both of
> them are very old links. Not saying IIS is the best webserver out there –
> every server does have its particular strengths and weaknesses. But anyone
> who thinks the windows stack doesn’t scale is just kidding themselves ..
> especially in regards to dynamic created content ( not talking about the
> many artificial benchmarks that just test how many requests a server can
> handle for pushing through 100 bytes of static content).
> >>There is a huge difference between paying usd3 per month vs colocation a
> high end server cost aud30k paying monthly fee 5k aud. I am doing asp.net
> mvc development on the latter one. :-)
> Of course ;-) - That sounds like a beast you have there. Blade server or
> just a very highly spec’d one? … I don’t know the architecture of your
> setup and what traffic you handle (I’d love to hear from you if you want to
> email me private). I assume the 5k AUD you quoted for colo pays for much
> more than just hosting your beast (most of it is traffic cost, right?) ..
> if not you might want to check out the colo offers section on
> www.webhostingtalk.com. I think 5k AUD would pay for quite a few
> dedicated servers if your architecture allows it (scale out vs scale up …
> to have redundancy) … but that’s just speculation from my side, I am sure
> your biz has good reasons to choose colo rather than managed dedicated
> servers (sensitive data / PCI DSS?).
> Kind regards,
> *Stefan Müller*,
> R&D Manager
> *ORCL* *Toolbox Ltd.*
> Auckland, New Zealand
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> *From:* delphi-bounces at listserver.123.net.nz [mailto:
> delphi-bounces at listserver.123.net.nz] *On Behalf Of *Leigh Wanstead
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 2 August 2016 9:45 a.m.
> *To:* NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
> *Subject:* Re: [DUG] Multi client website
> Hi Stefan,
> Thank you for your reply.
> Your suggestion usd3 per month is really share hosting with thousands of
> server on the same box, right? I guess windows iis server will not be very
> happy about that. I think linux server is very happy about that.
> I think that you really don't want to share with others for the same
> machine on windows server asp.net mvc.
> There is a huge difference between paying usd3 per month vs colocation a
> high end server cost aud30k paying monthly fee 5k aud. I am doing asp.net
> mvc development on the latter one. :-)
> You are right amazon aws ec2 free server is a free trial for a year. But
> that means amazon give you resource for 365 days using for free. :-) If
> your web service can last that long, you already save some money compare to
> paying some commercial service without knowing if the project can survive.
> Regards
> Leigh
> On 1 August 2016 at 19:20, Stefan Mueller <muellers at orcl-toolbox.com>
> wrote:
> Leigh,
> >>To use asp.net mvc involves a cost which requires a windows server and
> iis. Windows server cost license fee.
> Plenty of hosting providers that offer asp.net support …. Godaddy does it
> for $3.99 USD a month https://sg.godaddy.com/hosting/windows-hosting …
> and even my favorite http://www.discountasp.net only costs $10 USD a
> month (you get what you pay). In my opinion especially if you do a
> commercial project then the cost of hosting nowadays is peanuts (by the
> time you outgrow shared and move to dedicated it’s still only a tiny part
> of your opex). It’s true that you can find cheaper linux hosting, but then
> in my opinion the whole development cycle and costs to create and maintain
> a complex datadriven website is just hands down easier to do in ASP.Net
> (due to framework and the fact that c# is a strong typed language) than
> PHP. I guess the real question is how complex is John’s website? Maybe PHP
> will do .. maybe ASP.Net is better, hard to tell without knowing exactly
> what he is up to.
> >>You suggested to jump the ship from delphi to c#
> I don’t know of many developers that actually run Delphi on Linux .. so
> most likely you still need a window server, one that supports ISAPI for
> IntraWeb .. your choices of hosting providers will be severely limited.
> Plus not to mention the costs of finding people that can actually maintain
> this later on .. I’ve done a few projects and learnt quite a bit from them:
> picking the right framework and tech is important to long term success ..
> you don’t want to end up in a situation where a few years later on you will
> have to rewrite your whole app and write off months of wasted development
> time just because you went down the wrong road and are stuck now with its
> shortcomings that slow you down and a tiny community that makes it hard to
> get support and questions answered.
> >>It is very slow to use asp.net mvc using amazon aws free server. It is
> very fast to do ubuntu linux on amazon aws ec2 free server to do web
> hosting.
> There are plenty of benchmarks that prove that asp.net mvc is a lot
> faster than php (
> http://www.miyconst.com/Blog/View/1049/asp-net-mvc-vs-php-yii-performance-comparison
> is interesting to read, not just because of the benchmark). AWS free isn’t
> really free – it’s just a one year “starter” offer that is intended for
> developers to try out AWS features – it is not for production servers.
> Sorry, no offense, but I start getting the feeling you are Scottish – not
> to say being frugal is a bad thing (not at all) ;-) !
> Kind regards,
> *Stefan Müller*,
> R&D Manager
> *ORCL* *Toolbox Ltd.*
> Auckland, New Zealand
> P Please consider the environment before printing this email
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> *From:* delphi-bounces at listserver.123.net.nz [mailto:
> delphi-bounces at listserver.123.net.nz] *On Behalf Of *Leigh Wanstead
> *Sent:* Monday, 1 August 2016 4:56 p.m.
> *To:* NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
> *Subject:* Re: [DUG] Multi client website
> Hi Stefan,
> You suggested to jump the ship from delphi to c#.
> If you really want to do that, I think that you need to consider following
> issue.
> To use asp.net mvc involves a cost which requires a windows server and
> iis. Windows server cost license fee.
> If you do it in linux, you can save the license fee of windows to buy some
> really nice stuff. :-)
> It is very slow to use asp.net mvc using amazon aws free server. It is
> very fast to do ubuntu linux on amazon aws ec2 free server to do web
> hosting.
> Regards
> Leigh
> On 31 July 2016 at 18:49, Stefan Mueller <muellers at orcl-toolbox.com>
> wrote:
> Couple of thoughts:
> · Don’t use Delphi for that, use ASP.Net MVC ... if you do web
> then using a proper web development tool makes things a lot easier. Delphi
> IntraWeb is probably ok if you need to cobble together a simple page and
> only know Delphi .. but other than that it’s a dead-end. The ASP.Net
> community is thriving with new exciting development and support available
> there. I am very fond of ASP.Net MVC, it does a lot of things right and is
> easy to learn coming from Delphi.
> · ASP.Net MVC routing & controllers architecture lets you
> seamlessly merge custom client pages with your “common” pages. You also get
> a lot of security already out of the box with that framework and handled
> for you (mentioning Cross-site scripting & Cross-site request forgery here)
> as well as client side forms validations.
> · DNS supports wildcard matching for a non-existing domain .. you
> can create a DNS record like “*.mydomain.co.nz” to point all to the same
> endpoint
> · On that endpoint you then can check the name of the domain
> requested and use that one to point to the right locations for your
> css/images (could even check if any for those customized files exists and
> if not serve your default files).
> · Cookies are a client side thing, what you really need is a
> server side solution to know what content to serve. Cookies can’t handle
> things such as website users that link to a common page first without
> having visited the client page first … and obviously website users wanting
> to watch 2 different of your clients websites also wouldn’t work because a
> cookie can only point to one client at a time … and then there are users
> (including google/bing/yahoo-bots that index your pages) that have cookies
> disabled.
> Kind regards,
> *Stefan Müller*,
> R&D Manager
> *ORCL* *Toolbox Ltd.*
> Auckland, New Zealand
> P Please consider the environment before printing this email
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> *From:* delphi-bounces at listserver.123.net.nz [mailto:
> delphi-bounces at listserver.123.net.nz] *On Behalf Of *John C
> *Sent:* Sunday, 31 July 2016 1:42 p.m.
> *To:* 'NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List'
> *Subject:* [DUG] Multi client website
> Hi all
> I have a website what will be available to the public but specific for
> more than one clients. The frame work of the website will be the same for
> each client but their images and CSS file will be different (making it look
> differently).
> The plan is to have a sub-domain for each client from where it will jump
> to the "common" pages on the main domain. The index file on each sub.domain
> identifies the client and therefore define the directory path to use for
> the images and the CSS file.
> I was thinking of doing this with cookies for the paths to be used in the
> main program, but I'm not sure it would be a good plan and if that will
> work properly (setting a cookie from within a sub.domain to be used in the
> main domain).
> Any ideas or suggestions of how to do this?
> Thanks a lot in advance
> John C
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