[DUG] XE8 with Castalia and MMX

Jolyon Smith jsmith at deltics.co.nz
Thu Jun 4 15:02:00 NZST 2015

I have seen numerous reports indicating that the integration of Castalia in
XE8 has (re)introduced stability issues in the IDE.  I cannot fathom why it
would present a problem on some machines but not others, unless there are
differences between the machines that might explain the problems (lack of
memory in some case ?  32 vs 64 bit OS ?  Particular installation
differences somehow throwing a spanner in the works ?  Too many possible
variables to be able to say I think).

I have to say that when I last looked at Castalia myself I reluctantly had
to discontinue its use precisely because it made the IDE unstable,
hopelessly so when working in larger projects.  This was some years ago now
and no doubt this area had been improved but if the reports are to be
believed it seems that a lot of that good work was undone between XE7 and

There also appear to have been a number of regressions introduced into FMX
with XE8.

Until Embarcadero manage to deliver a usable version of XE8 you should
probably either simply stick with XE7 or whichever previous version you
were using, or run with Castalia disabled where it is known/suspected to be
causing problems.  Depending on how the integration has been approached,
this may or may not deal with the issues caused by that integration.

I would also add that the fact that this option to disable Castalia was
provided has a very nasty whiff about it.  Almost as if they knew it wasn't
ready for release which frankly I find offensive, given the way they made
hotfix/update availability contingent upon a maintenance agreement with
this release.


On 4 June 2015 at 13:14, John Bird <johnkbird at paradise.net.nz> wrote:

>   XE8 comes with Castalia built in, here 2 of the users have both
> working, 2 others can have either Castalia or ModelMaker MMX (11.2.0)
> installed but not both.
>  Castalia can be disabled with /NOCASTALIA on the command line switch.
>  Error we get is on IDE startup “Access violation at address 20441561 in
> module ‘coreide220.bpl’. Read of address 0000003D.”
>  Dies at that point.
>  (We are already installing everything as Administrator, and running the
> IDE as same.)
>  Can anyone shed any light on the problem or know of any solution?
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