John Bird johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Wed Jul 29 00:25:32 NZST 2015

I don’t know RemObjects C# or Oxygene.   I read the site and their viewpoint on using native API’s is a worthwhile debate.    I would have these queries:

1 – Where does it rate on the number of users?   Community support, code snippets etc is as important as everything else.

2 – It is the opposite of “one language fits everywhere”   yet the language currently scoring top on the Tiobe index of programming languages does just that – Java.


I noticed Delphi is up another few places, to 13.   Pascal is rated separately too at 20.

On the comments about the IDE, at work have used D5 , D2007, XE2 XE5 XE7 XE8 and each version was a definite improvement.  

From: Jolyon Smith 
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 5:03 PM
To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List 

I'll say it one more time... RemObjects manage to provide very good support for good quality products with extensive, impressive and innovative technology that does indeed "just work" (as in effortlessly, not "barely" LOL) at a very reasonable price.  $49 Turbo Pascal it certainly isn't, but lined up against the likes of Delphi and Xamarin and particularly after adjusting for inflation (for comparison with the $49 TP) it isn't far off. 

Cheap(er) = lower quality is not a rule, and certainly not a Universal Constant.

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