Jolyon Smith jsmith at deltics.co.nz
Tue Jul 28 17:03:37 NZST 2015

I'll say it one more time... RemObjects manage to provide very good support
for good quality products with extensive, impressive and innovative
technology that does indeed "just work" (as in effortlessly, not "barely"
LOL) at a very reasonable price.  $49 Turbo Pascal it certainly isn't, but
lined up against the likes of Delphi and Xamarin and particularly after
adjusting for inflation (for comparison with the $49 TP) it isn't far off.

Cheap(er) = lower quality is *not* a rule, and certainly not a Universal

On 28 July 2015 at 15:13, Marshland Engineering <marshland at marshland.co.nz>

> >> have you seen the PRICE for Xamarin?? Delphi is certainly cheaper!
> Cheaper is the operative word. Which is better cheaper and full of problems
> and no support or "expensive" and just works. I now prefer the latter.
> As for me, no more tablets, smart TVs or phones or any other tech device
> for a
> while.  They are all "cheap" but I've spent so much time getting them to
> work
> correctly, it is ridicules. Samsung Smart TVs - Ha. I'm now taking my time
> saving to be in the real world.
> Cheers Wallace
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