[DUG] Migrating to XE6 - Project Issues

Colin Johnsun colin.adug at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 11:31:27 NZST 2014

Hi David and Jolyon,

Thanks for clarifying the problem.

Even though having different-named projects helps you avoid project
conflicts between different versions of Delphi it does force you into
having to explicitly keep the projects in sync which can be a big PITA.


On 22 July 2014 06:32, Jolyon Smith <jsmith at deltics.co.nz> wrote:

> The problem with that Colin is that there is no intrinsic mechanism in
> Delphi to share a DPR between projects of different names.  So if your
> application DPR is in any way non-standard, then having different named
> projects means having to keep the separate DPR's all in sync, which I
> understand is the case in point.
> This is particularly annoying when you realise that the XML in the dproj
> files references the project source (DPR) explicitly, so there really is no
> reason these days for the filename of the DPR and the filename of the DPROJ
> to have to be consistent (unlike, for example, in days gone past when the
> IDE had to infer various files associated with a project by coincident
> filename stem).
> On 21 July 2014 23:47, Colin Johnsun <colin.adug at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Wouldn't it be easier just to have one project called MyAppD2007.dproj
>> and another called MyAppDXE3.dproj?
>> Just rename the executable after compilation.
>> Regards,
>> Colin
>> On Monday, 21 July 2014, David Brennan <dugdavid at dbsolutions.co.nz>
>> wrote:
>>> We wrestled with this problem for a while because we were using both
>>> 2007 and XE3. We also have quite a few projects which share sets of files
>>> and it was a bit of a mission remembering to add new files to all
>>> applicable projects.
>>> In the end we wrote a small program to build DPRs and Dproj files from a
>>> combination of the old dproj file, a custom DPR format (with our own
>>> extension) and include files which were referenced within the custom DPR.
>>> The program replaces the include file references in the custom DPR and then
>>> outputs a proper DPR. Then with the Dproj it deletes the old file
>>> references and builds new XML file records from the include files.
>>> It would be nice if Delphi fully supported include files in the DPR
>>> (tricky I know but still) or provided a built in method like what we do.
>>> Cheers,
>>> David.
>>> *From:* delphi-bounces at listserver.123.net.nz [mailto:
>>> delphi-bounces at listserver.123.net.nz] *On Behalf Of *Jolyon Smith
>>> *Sent:* Monday, 21 July 2014 1:12 p.m.
>>> *To:* NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
>>> *Subject:* Re: [DUG] Migrating to XE6 - Project Issues
>>> ime sharing dpk's (or even dpr's) (or trying to) between versions can be
>>> a recipe for headaches.
>>> Have you considered using include files to achieve the sharing of the
>>> "meat" of your dpk, whilst allowing the IDE to maintain "different"
>>> versions for each IDE in the dpk files themselves (with attendant dproj
>>> etc) ?
>>> package MyPackage2007;
>>> {$i mypackage.inc}
>>> end.
>>> package MyPackageXE6;
>>> {$i mypackage.inc}
>>> end.
>>> The downside is that you lose some of the IDE support for working with
>>> the content of your DPK/DPR, but if you are dependent on $ifdef's in this
>>> area then you no doubt already find yourself having to steer well clear of
>>> such IDE support anyway, since it has as tendency to clobber such things
>>> (and if that's the case, it's worth nothing that the contents of your
>>> include file(s) will be conveniently safe from any inadvertent meddling by
>>> the IDE!).
>>> On 21 July 2014 12:14, Rohit Gupta <rohit at cfl.co.nz> wrote:
>>> Hi Joylon,
>>> Its sorted now.  It just does not like the old dproj file, it doesn't
>>> like a cut down edited version, it doesnt like a blank one and it doesnt
>>> like a missing one  !!!!
>>> I made a new dpk project and saved it and then copied everything from
>>> the old dpk and it works.  It seems like it wants some new xml lines in it
>>> or ELSE..
>>> The issue here is that we have to work concurrently on 2007 and XE6
>>> versions with the same source (and a few ifdefs).  So the last thing I want
>>> is the various clauses - includes, requires, uses to be in a different
>>> order.  When its 50 to 100 of them, it makes a huge difference to source
>>> comparison.
>>> Rohit
>>> On 21/07/2014 12:05 p.m., Jolyon Smith wrote:
>>> It looks like perhaps the IDE is trying to be too clever and when it
>>> doesn't find a current dproj is looking for a historical bdsproj to upgrade
>>> from and not coping when there isn't one (it being inconceivable that there
>>> would be anyone using an even older version of Delphi that predated the
>>> bdsproj).
>>> To avoid this, instead of deleting the dproj, try adding the packages
>>> with the current dproj.
>>> With the prior dproj intact, the IDE should identify that you are
>>> upgrading and offer to save the old version with a different name (or offer
>>> to save the new version with a different name, I forget which way round.
>>>  Though I have a niggly feeling that in the past I was frustrated by the
>>> fact that it was the former, which imho is the least useful approach!)
>>> You have versioning/backups though, so it shouldn't matter which
>>> particular named variety of these files the IDE chooses to mess with.  Once
>>> you have an upgraded package/project, you "Save As" to get a file correctly
>>> named for new version you need, and then restore your previous versions
>>> from source control/backups.  Right ?  :)
>>> hth
>>> On 21 July 2014 11:28, Rohit Gupta <rohit at cfl.co.nz> wrote:
>>> I am trying to migrate a group of projects (packages) from 2007 to
>>> XE6.    I deleted the dcus, drc and dproj files.
>>> Even when I start from a blank project group and add the existing
>>> project in I get
>>> "Unable to load project *****.bdsproj
>>> Of course it doesnt exist, only the dpk does.  A dump of error details
>>> follows.  Incidentally I had the same issue last time migrating another
>>> group to XE5.  That I had to recreate brand new dpk file.... and the
>>> stupid thing was identical to the original one...
>>> Any clues anyone ?
>>> [21CA67AE]{delphicoreide200.bpl}
>>> BaseDelphiProject.TBaseDelphiProject.Create (Line 775,
>>> "BaseDelphiProject.pas" + 51) + $2C
>>> [223A563A]{delphide200.bpl}
>>> DelphiProject.TDelphiProjectCreationTrait.OpenProject (Line 314,
>>> "DelphiProject.pas" + 7) + $19
>>> [2069F929]{coreide200.bpl} ProjectFileUtils.LoadProjectFile (Line 642,
>>> "ProjectFileUtils.pas" + 29) + $34
>>> [21D05BED]{delphicoreide200.bpl}
>>> CommonPasReg.TLegacyModuleHandler.FileOpen (Line 482, "CommonPasReg.pas"
>>> + 38) + $D
>>> [2086B468]{coreide200.bpl} DocModul.TFilterList.OpenFile (Line 807,
>>> "DocModul.pas" + 36) + $0
>>> [20870A8C]{coreide200.bpl} DocModul.ProjectOpenDialog (Line 3295,
>>> "DocModul.pas" + 42) + $3E
>>> [2061437B]{coreide200.bpl} ProjectMgr.TProjectManager.AddTarget (Line
>>> 449, "ProjectMgr.pas" + 2) + $7
>>> [20613C54]{coreide200.bpl} ProjectMgr.TProjectManager.CommandHandler
>>> (Line 272, "ProjectMgr.pas" + 5) + $A
>>> [204A397B]{coreide200.bpl}
>>> ContainerIntf.TIDEProjectManagerMenuObject.Execute (Line 862,
>>> "ContainerIntf.pas" + 26) + $17
>>> [204A559E]{coreide200.bpl} ContainerIntf.TProjectManagerMenuItem.Click
>>> (Line 1110, "ContainerIntf.pas" + 18) + $22
>>> [506289BC]{vcl200.bpl  } Vcl.Menus.TMenu.DispatchCommand (Line 3436,
>>> "Vcl.Menus.pas" + 5) + $4
>>> [50629C2E]{vcl200.bpl  } Vcl.Menus.TPopupList.WndProc (Line 4597,
>>> "Vcl.Menus.pas" + 4) + $E
>>> [50629B7D]{vcl200.bpl  } Vcl.Menus.TPopupList.MainWndProc (Line 4572,
>>> "Vcl.Menus.pas" + 2) + $5
>>> [501766E4]{rtl200.bpl  } System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 17064,
>>> "System.Classes.pas" + 6) + $1
>>> [50644241]{vcl200.bpl  } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.CancelHint (Line 11180,
>>> "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 6) + $D
>>> [50642EDF]{vcl200.bpl  } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line
>>> 10351, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 23) + $1
>>> [50642F22]{vcl200.bpl  } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line
>>> 10381, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 1) + $4
>>> [50643255]{vcl200.bpl  } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 10519,
>>> "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 26) + $3
>>> Rohit
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>>> Regards
>>> *Rohit Gupta*
>>> B.E. Elec., M.E., Mem IEEE, Mem IET
>>> Technical Director
>>> Computer Fanatics Ltd
>>> *Tel *4892280
>>> *Fax *4892290
>>> *Web *www.cfl.co.nz
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