[DUG] XE6 Misc notes

Rohit Gupta rohit at cfl.co.nz
Tue Jul 22 11:23:37 NZST 2014

John, this has gone inside an object / class.  I am guessing in case you 
change the location in the middle of the app or if you want to work with 
two at once... All very esoteric.  I am just creating this object in the 
initialization of my date libraries and having to change all references 
with an ifdef wherever it is used.

On 22/07/2014 10:41 a.m., John Bird wrote:
> Started migrating to XE6 update 1, a few things I noticed:
>  A few minor things such as centuryWindow and DecimalSeparator seem to 
> have disappeared -- I am guessing moved to other units/replaced.

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