[DUG] [Off Topic]Warranty expired

Leigh Wanstead leigh.wanstead at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 10:23:34 NZST 2012

Hi Jolyon,

You mentioned that "home contents insurance (which is the biggest reason
that extended warranties are a con)."

May I ask what to do with home contents insurance company?



On 14 June 2012 09:36, Jolyon Smith <jsmith at deltics.co.nz> wrote:

> NZ Consumer Protection is pretty good in this area - extended warranties
> are a con, that's for sure, but if your monitor is 4 years old then I'd say
> you've had "expected use" out of it.
> Goods in NZ are expected to last a reasonable time before failing.  Just
> because something goes wrong after 12 months doesn't mean it isn't covered
> under warranty - if it is something that you might reasonably expect to NOT
> have gone wrong in the time that it did, then the manufacturer has to take
> reasonable steps to address it.
> e..g if a motor or a bearing in a washing machine fails after 2-3 years
> this is not reasonable as those parts are supposed to last much, much,
> longer.
> But I would say that 4 years is a reasonable time after which a mains
> transformer in a monitor might fail.
> You could try your luck with Dell but I would say you are on fairly weak
> ground, so if they do offer to do anything about I would be grateful,
> rather than being upset if they don't.
> But, if Dell don't consider themselves responsible you still have another
> option... home contents insurance (which is the biggest reason that
> extended warranties are a con).
> Check your cover.  :)
> FWIW I totally understand your wanting a large monitor.  One big monitor
> is much better than 2 smaller ones for certain use cases.  It's not about
> the total number of pixels but how applications you use can arrange
> themselves in a contiguous area covered by those pixels.
> The 27" 2560x1440 display on my iMac is more useful to me than 2 x
> 1920x1080 ever were.  But the monitor industry seems to have become fixated
> on "HD" resolution and reasonably priced options above that resolution are
> VERY limited (Dell still being one of the top choices I'd say).
> Good luck.
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