[DUG] FW: Web development

Rohit Gupta rohit at cfl.co.nz
Tue Jun 7 10:22:40 NZST 2011

Well thats where half my time goes, getting the things to work on all 
browsers - especially the MS ones.  Then there are people still using IE7!!

On 7/06/2011 9:39 a.m., Jolyon Smith wrote:
> My problem isn't "invalid" HTML - it is "perfectly valid HTML but which
> doesn't render the way you expect in browser X, Y Z or perm any N from M".
> Ditto Javascript which is perfectly valid but which doesn't work the way you
> expect in browser X, Y, Z or perm any N from M.
> Or CSS which is perfectly valid but which doesn't work the way you expect in
> browser X, Y, Z or perm any N from M.
> Or some combination of HTML, JavaScript or CSS which doesn't work in that
> particular combo in browser X, Y, Z or perm any N from M.
> I had thought that these issues might have been resolved at some point in
> the last 20 years, but sadly things really aren't much better today than
> they were then.  In some cases worse, because the tools techniques also
> assume that things have improved, when they haven't... lulling you into a
> false sense of security.

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