[DUG] TFormatSettings

Ross Levis ross at stationplaylist.com
Wed Nov 10 22:56:15 NZDT 2010

This is really bizarre.


I store a snapshot of all the regional settings when the program is started,
to prevent issues if the date format is changed while the program is
running.  I store a couple of dates in a string using DateToStr and use
StrToDate to convert it back later.


var FS: TFormatSettings;

GetLocaleFormatSettings(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, FS);


My default DateDelimiter is "/", and FS.DateDelimiter shows as being "/".


If I then change the date delimiter in the Windows Regional Settings to "-",
and then test FS.DateDelimiter, it has changed to a "-" !!!!


How is this possible?


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