[DUG] Video Editing

Marshland Engineering marshland at marshland.co.nz
Wed Nov 10 22:16:11 NZDT 2010

As with most packages, as they develop they we get more and more of goodies we don't want.

I have 50 hours of video taken over 10 years which I would like to store on my computer. 

They vary from 8mm video, DVD's  MOV and AVI's.

I have tried 8 or so different programs all with some success but non really doing what I want.  (I have just spent another 10 hours today trying to get things to work. There is just no standards. My Kodak camera records MOV at 29.006 fps. Google search does not even bring up this standard. )  

It seems the all the packages are geared around taking a current set of video sequences and making one DVD with transitions, chapters etc etc. None really work with a storage of filing system, like you use with photos.  

What I see needed is something that can store all my video in directories 
eg 2005-07 
and have thumbnail access to each file. 

As there are so many formats around, I'm wondering if all originals should be converted to a universal format for storage. 

Has anyone experimented with video and Delphi before?

Thanks Wallace 


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