[DUG] What is the future for Delphi programmer?

Eric A eaa603 at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 18 11:44:23 NZDT 2010

1. Still maintaining Delphi code?



2. Started a new Delphi project in the last year?

A suite of utility and radio communications tool programs for a client.

Google Earth interfaces

[I find that the amount of code one has to write for SQL server apps in Delphi is substantially less than with .NET!!! - still using Delphi 7 although have DELPHI 2009]

3. Started a new project in another language in the last year (what was the language)?



4. What other languages are you using/learning?

 Using :-
  Python - small quick apps

  .NET (only where mandated by Client)



Learning :-
ATMEL Embedded Microcontroller





Eric Apperley & Associated Limited

Consulting Engineers - Networking/Radio Communications - IT - Industrial Automation
Want to be a Space Travel Agent? If it exists, you'll find it on SEEK
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