[DUG] A change in upgrade policy coming from Embarcadero
Paul A Norman
paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 14:12:50 NZST 2009
Steve and Kyley are right.
There was a report years ago that confirmed that but too late for Boralnd to
change direction.
If E are prepared to address the realities of what the history actually is,
they could find a good following.
"Comparrisons of what other Software houses do and don't do are irrelevent,
and E should think about this. We were on Delphi becasue it was different
in its approach and marketing."
They took on Delphi warts and all, they can't just close their eyes and wish
the problems away and for a nice balance sheet on the product with out
helping and healing the mess.
Leaving us ver 8/2005/6 out in the cold when we had such a bad deal does not
show any good onging intent for others in their problems in the future.
Will E be ther efor them?
*If the important bugs are only finally fixed by buying the new product then
the effective cost of the IDE is at least doubled. Keep that in mind.*
An MS developer looking over my shoulder was horrifirfed to see how many
messages and problems the IDE has had. One couldn't beleive that
applications developed under it would be trust worthy.
I used to vigoursly promote Delphi here and overseas.
I was left feeling ashamed that I had encouraged people to spend money on
it with the lack of help systems and unresolved fixes in recent releases.
Is E going to do any better?
As someone said above, I also so far feel... "I for one find this
thoroughly disheartening."
I am about to embark on a major project - I am now hesitant about using
Delphi to be the back bone of it, and am now seriously contemplating looking
around to see what else is useful "out there".
Delphi provides more than an IDE - it provides a grouping of people with
professional attitudes like this forum, and previously a kind of certainity
of wheere you stood.
Comparrisons of what other Software houses do are irrelevent and E should
think about this. We were on Delphi becasue it was different in its
approach and marketing.
It looks like the culture of Delphi is being dismembered. Its not just
about immeadiate $ returned for E, its about sustaining the cluture/people
that makes Delphi what it is, or its just anohter IDE and no base.
Ask yourself how many of your projects would find sucess with others if they
had the checkered career that Delphi releases have had in recent years?
E have got to enhance the experience for users, and realsie that we need
dependability and backup, and are not jsut cows to be milked.
2009/9/16 Steve Peacocke <steve at peacocke.net>
> Agreed. Borland went away from its core competency to enter into a market
> it was ill prepared for. It tried to recoup some of the costs and losses by
> upping the cost of the core developer's tool (Delphi) until it cost the
> value greater than the cost of a good second hand car.
> It's total focus away from the developer and it's huge cost of delphi meant
> that most NZ companies went away from Delphi to another tool that offered
> more, easier and cheaper upgrades. Boreland effectively killed the cash-cow
> through over-excessive milking.
> Thankfully they are looking good to recover slightly, although regaining
> the customer base they had previously is probably now out of their range.
> Steve Peacocke
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:54 AM, Kyley Harris <Kyley at harrissoftware.com>wrote:
>> "Really one reason Borland went broke is that they made an IDE that could
>> be
>> used forever.."
>> No.. they went broke spending tons of money buying 3rd party tools and
>> trying to sell them for a fortune to recoup the buy cost.. at the same time
>> they damn near abandoned the concept of putting out and supporting the Core
>> Development tools and focused on buggy integration tools with all the extras
>> they purchased..
>> They were doing great as a company for Programmers.. Tried to become a
>> company for lifecycle development and stuffed up.
>> Still.. with Delphi 2007 I've been quite happy.
>> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 12:44 PM, John Bird <johnkbird at paradise.net.nz>wrote:
>>> I think in general the upgrade policy has been quite generous, as others
>>> say
>>> other companies are much worse.
>>> Take Microsoft - As a Vista user of 1 year I get no reduced price
>>> upgrade
>>> to Windows 7. Vista is V6.0, Windows 7 internally is ictually Windows
>>> 6.1
>>> and could be argued is not even a new version at all - they are as
>>> similar
>>> as Windows 2000 (V5.0) and Windows XP (V5.1) were.
>>> D2007 versus 7 - have to say the D2007 use of IDE screen is a lot better
>>> for
>>> a single screen on a laptop. And like others I have the D7 help loaded -
>>> actually the D2007 help is not so bad, just slow at times.
>>> Really one reason Borland went broke is that they made an IDE that could
>>> be
>>> used forever..
>>> John
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>> --
>> Kyley Harris
>> Harris Software
>> +64-21-671-821
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