[DUG] Cross platform musings

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Fri Oct 16 17:22:05 NZDT 2009

Thanks Malcolm,
I think that one of the things that is slowly coming across is that
E doesn't appear to intend to just suddenly go away or dump Delphi.

I know that for some people this has been a real issue underlying a lot of
what has been said.

You get into a development cycle, on a big project that is not Delphi
backwards compatible to another D you own the use of, strike a bug (Delphi
or IDE) and there is no fix on the horizon - or you are told to wait for the
next version.

What happens to your project meanwhile?

That is where some of us were - and it takes a bit to accept that you might
be out of those waters in buying into a new Delphi now.

But that can be a viscous circle, if not enough people invest in Delphi then
Delphi can not be developed as quickly, or at all in some aspects perhaps.

And slowly, I think that your constantcy in these news lists and other
places is paying off - I for one am feeling somewhat more confident that
things are moving on past those outright fears for me.

Seriously, may be those of us in the wings all need to look seriously
at buying into Delphi some time soon, taking whatever risk we see it as, to
help secure a better future for the whole thing,

May be there will be a good time to do that?

Buying in again may well be the path of least resistance for some people,
compared to moving completely over to other environments, which I for one
have been seriously contemplating, and may even yet use for certain types of
projects as is appropriate to the need of the project.


2009/10/16 Malcolm Groves <mgroves at embarcadero.com>

>  Hi Paul,
> Thanks, I do try to. Part of the reason I subscribe to this list (and
> others) and read as many of the post’s I can (albeit sometimes in batch mode
> every week or so) is for exactly that reason. It’s also one of the reasons I
> read every post on Jolyon’s (and other’s) blogs, and visit as many customers
> as I can when I travel around Asia, etc. We need to be constantly open to
> the fact that additional information presents itself all the time, some of
> it that may not line up with earlier decisions. We can’t of course change
> direction every time we get a conflicting view, but we have to be open to
> criticism and self-doubt. You’d probably be surprised at how often comments
> on this list make their way into conversations internally.
> Jolyon is copping a lot of stick on here lately, and I’m in no position to
> know how much of it is warranted or not. He certainly doesn’t need me to
> defend him. However, what I would say in general is if I was given a choice
> between the two extremes: a) someone who cares so little about the product
> and its success that they can’t be bothered to comment, and b) someone who
> cares so much about those things that they feel the need to kick and scream
> in order to be heard, I’ll take the latter any day. Passion, even
> represented as anger, is much better in a customer than apathy.
> Now perhaps we can have a little less about me on here, and a little more
> about Delphi J
> Cheers
> Malcolm
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