[DUG] Fwd: Delphi - Installing / Updating Components - specificallyIndy

Pieter De Wit pieter at insync.za.net
Thu Jun 25 05:53:48 NZST 2009

Hi Richard,

This is from memory but it might help you:

Under the zip file is a \Lib directory. They have batch files in there that will install Indy for a version of Delphi. Make sure the whole zip is extracted before running that command. The manual side of things is to install the .dpk files yourself, which would involve the instructions listed below, but for Delphi (it's the "same" really)

Hope that helps !

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Richard Vowles 
  To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 11:02 PM
  Subject: [DUG] Fwd: Delphi - Installing / Updating Components - specificallyIndy

  Can anyone help Graham? I don't know much about the Indy components....

  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
  From: Graham Marsden <graham at wk.planet.gen.nz>
  Date: 2009/6/24
  Subject: Re: Delphi - Installing / Updating Components - specifically Indy
  To: Richard Vowles <richard at developers-inc.co.nz>

  Hi Richard

  Thanks for getting back to quickly. Yes go ahead and send it on.



  On 24 Jun 2009 at 14:33, Richard Vowles wrote:

  Can I forward this to the local Delphi list? They would have a better idea. www.delphi.org.nz in case you wish to
  ask yourself.

  2009/6/24 Graham Marsden <graham at wk.planet.gen.nz>
     Hi Richard

  I have this version of Delphi ....
  CodeGearTM RAD Studio 2007 Version 11.0.2804.9245 Copyright © 2007 CodeGearTM.
  with Indy Direct version 10.1.5 installed.

  Hopefully you can help with my problem ...

  I want to use an indy component called IdAttachmentFile - I know it exists as I have the .pas file for it in the
  C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0\source\Indy\Indy10\Protocols driectory and have seen
  references to it on the net and in code samples. BUT I don't see it in any of the the Indy Component Pallets.
  Plus I cannot see how to do a reinstall of what is obviously there.

  So I download the latest update from http://indy.fulgan.com/ZIP/indy10.zip which is only days old, hoping that an
  update might be the answer.

  Trouble is I cannot find any step by step instructions on how to install this update - there are these instrction in the
  help system but there are no more specifics on how this is done.

  Delphi and C++ Builder Installation
  Installing Indy.Sockets in a Borland IDE involves using the run-time and design-time packages
  files to compile the source code in the library. After compiling the packages and source code,
  design-time packages are installed in the IDE to make the components available on the component
  For Delphi and C++ Builder, the run-time package files should be opened and compiled in the
  following order:
  *   IndySystem (in LibSystem)
  *   IndyCore (in LibCore)
  *   IndyProtocols (in LibProtocols)
  *   IndySuperCore (in LibSuperCore) (for Delphi 7 only)
  For Delphi and C++ Builder, the design-time package files should be opened, compiled, and
  installed in the following order:
  *   dclIndyCore (in LibCore)
  *   dclIndyProtocols (in LibProtocols)
  *   dclSuperCore (in LibSuperCore) (for Delphi 7 only)

  What is the step by step process for all of this, I have roamed the net in vain for some enlightenment but
  cannnot penetrate the techspeak for a simple how to.

  I hope you can help me out here with a process, or a more helpful source on the net.

  Many thanks

  Graham Marsden

  Richard Vowles, Technical Advisor
  Developers Inc Ltd
  web. http://www.developers-inc.co.nz
  ph. +64-9-3600231, mob. +64-275-467747, fax. +64-9-3600384
  skype. rvowles, LinkedIn, Twitter

  Richard Vowles, Technical Advisor
  Developers Inc Ltd
  web. http://www.developers-inc.co.nz
  ph. +64-9-3600231, mob. +64-275-467747, fax. +64-9-3600384
  skype. rvowles, LinkedIn, Twitter


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