[DUG] Future of us Delphi programmer in New Zealand?

John Bird johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Thu Apr 9 16:11:39 NZST 2009

Any more comments from those who have used C# for serious work how they rate 
its strengths and weaknesses against Delphi? Delphi  IDE vs VS?   C# vs 
Java?  (just small questions eh..)

After they both have the same author (Anders Hejlsberg).  Is C# Delphi done 
right?  or is it Delphi done big the MS way?  Can it be used for mobile 

How much is it just a product that MS sells and how much is it a serious 
tool they themsleves use? (for Windows and Office)

[I am much more relaxed about merits of languages than most here, as the 
language I programmed in for over 20 years, and still keep a fondness for, 
doesn't even rate in the top 100 of computer languages I think...Dibol/DBL, 
so stepping into Delphi was  a big step into the mainstream for me]


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