[DUG] Porting Delphi code to Linux

Gary T. Benner gary at benner.co.nz
Tue Sep 16 20:46:59 NZST 2008



Check out http://www.winehq.org.

>From the website:  
Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X, OpenGL, and Unix.

Think of Wine as a compatibility layer for running Windows programs. Wine does not require Microsoft Windows, as it is a completely free alternative implementation of the Windows API consisting of 100% non-Microsoft code, however Wine can optionally use native Windows DLLs if they are available. Wine provides both a development toolkit for porting Windows source code to Unix as well as a program loader, allowing many unmodified Windows programs to run on x86-based Unixes, including Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and Solaris.

So no payments to M$ required.

If you want the real Wine, check out http://www.truewines.co.nz.



At 20:33 on 16/09/2008 you wrote 
>To  : delphi at delphi.org.nz
>CC  : >From: Edward Huang, edwardh at slingshot.co.nz
>Content Type: text/plain
>Attached: >
>Wine?  I thought it was the wine you drink, such white wine or red wine.
>I found some information on Wine, Wine Doors etc.  It's sounds pretty
>promising.  Would you need to pay CAL or client license to Microsoft?
>By the way, web app can't really replace all client applications, although
>it has lots of other benefit.  All web applications inherit its own
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Berend de Boer [mailto:berend at pobox.com]
>Sent: Monday, 15 September 2008 20:40
>To: edwardh at bigfoot.com
>Cc: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
>Subject: Re: [DUG] Porting Delphi code to Linux
>>>>>> "Edward" == Edward Huang <edwardh at slingshot.co.nz> writes:
>    Edward> Hi, I have been asked the posibility to convert our Delphi
>    Edward> code to run on Linux.  I don't really have any experience on
>    Edward> Linux, but I'm sure someone would be able to help here.
>Looked at Wine?
>I wouldn't do this. You're much better off to rewrite using a web app.
>    Edward> I know there was Kylix, but I understood that the GUI
>    Edward> components are quite different, and was many years ago.
>Won't run on modern platforms.
>Berend de Boer
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