[DUG] So Embacadero has purchased CodeGear....

Gary T. Benner gary at benner.co.nz
Thu May 8 13:26:51 NZST 2008


HI All,

Just in case you got confused like me, it is "Embarcadero".

Frankly, I'm not too fussed about who it is at the moment - but I will be in 6 - 12 months time no doubt. It is what they do with Codegear / Delphi  that is the question.

Borland has always had an inverse relationship between technology and marketing - perhaps a sign of financial constraints. Unfortunately when Borland lost the "Inprise" name and came back to being Borland, they forgot to bring back the culture which was their success.

What I hope is that Embarcadero create the tools that developers really need and want, but also that they can do a better job at marketing and convince those in the "middle ground" that it is a better option than the safe M$ platforms.

BTW "Delphi" is the brand that has worldwide recognition. So if they lose "Codegear" not much will be lost.

Personally I see quite a fit. Delphi made it's name with tight integration with databases (BDE), and Embarcadero have this as their focus. They also seem to be committed to cross platform technologies.

Let's hope the "cross platform" message truly gets across, and we see Kylix with a little more focus / upgrade - even if only a "deploy to Linux" compile option in Delphi. ( and make Leigh happy!! )

"David I" seems to be truly excited about it, as not only does he have to find another job until retirement <g> , but there is an opportunity to make ground in new territory. 
I trust Embarcadero will come to the party.



At 12:33 on 8/05/2008 you wrote 
>To  : delphi at delphi.org.nz
>CC  : >From: Richard Vowles, richard at developers-inc.co.nz
>Content Type: text/plain
>Attached: >
>Sorry, I just got busy. Er, I didn't read all the way through it until
>someone said it was cheap - and yes, I think $23m was way too low!
>What do I think? Well I'm glad they are away from Borland for one thing -
>CodeGear's back office infrastructure has been pretty dire because they have
>had to use Borland's - nothing to do with CodeGear itself, all to do with
>Borland. So I'm hoping that will change. Given it is the sale of the
>*assets*, I'm not sure what is going to happen now. We have two seminars
>scheduled for June (one Delphi one by the way!) and I don't really know what
>will happen, so I need to get confirmation on whether to go ahead with them.
>The Delphi presentation was going to be held in Auckland, Hamilton and
>Christchurch (as Wellington is such a small community it doesn't make
>economic sense unless Alistair wishes to donate the use of his presentation
>room :-) I'll talk more about it once I know more!
>So yeah, don't know what to think - don't know how it affects us and our
>plans. Given Delphi is the jewel in the crown of CodeGear, I think that is
>probably the reason they were interested in CodeGear...
>Richard Vowles, Technical Advisor
>Developers Inc Ltd
>web. http://www.developers-inc.co.nz
>ph. +64-9-3600231, mob. +64-275-467747, fax. +64-9-3600384
>skype. rvowles, LinkedIn, Twitter
>need me to do something for you? send me a task
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: delphi-bounces at delphi.org.nz [mailto:delphi-
>> bounces at delphi.org.nz] On Behalf Of Conor Boyd
>> Sent: Thursday, 8 May 2008 10:13 AM
>> To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
>> Subject: RE: [DUG] So Embacadero has purchased CodeGear....
>> >> Well, I don't know what they're getting for their money, but I would
>> have thought it was very cheap.
>> >> Additionally, given that they were talking about US$100m+ 2 years ago,
>> it definitely is.
>> >> Richard, since you lobbed this little news item in and ran away ;-),
>> I'm
>> interested to know what your thoughts are on the subject?
>NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi mailing list
>Post: delphi at delphi.org.nz
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