[DUG] D2007 under VIsta
Alister Christie
alister at salespartner.co.nz
Wed Aug 20 13:42:15 NZST 2008
Yup, I killed UAC on one of the machines I work with - although I've
left it on for my home machine. I don't do nearly as much stuff at home
that requires administrator privileges. I also find it's much more
annoying on slower computers as there is a long delay for it to pop up.
Alister Christie
Computers for People
Ph: 04 471 1849 Fax: 04 471 1266
PO Box 13085
John Bird wrote:
> Thanks.
> As an aside if I do get onto Vista I will be fairly determined to NOT turn
> off the UAC, as it is one of the features of Vista I really applaud....from
> all those years of living on Unix servers where you had no choice -
> certainly you never did routine user work logged in as root (administrator)
> and it was a no-brainer once you got used to which directories were
> protected and how permissions on files and folders worked.
> (On Unix it is so useful - For instance you didn't have to encrypt files to
> keep them hidden - you just turned off the read attribute for anyone not in
> the same group, or everyone other than the owner if you wanted them to be
> really private).
> However it looks like MS have done a good job of making what is on
> Unix/linux a simple idea for all users into a complicated system that most
> people cannot figure out the subtleties of all the policies and inherited
> permissions etc...
> I wonder how few Vista users do leave UAC turned on? That would be an
> interesting figure.
> John
> John asked:
>> Any issues running D2007 under Vista? - have it on XP Pro at present
>> and looking to upgrade...
> Once I had Vista tweaked so it behaves largely like XP (i.e. minimising all
> the unwanted "are you sure" type dialogs), I've found it perfectly
> acceptable for D2007 and other work.
> In other words, if you have a Vista machine (or are feeling compelled to
> actively cover Vista), go ahead and put D2007 on it.
> If you are getting a new machine and still feel you have a viable choice of
> XP, you may prefer to stick with XP.
>> Will be mainly writing for clients on XP, and I was wondering if there
>> are any issues with either XP/Vista themes or fonts the IDE uses.
> Not that I have noticed. I have not tried to actively impose Vista- style
> themes on the apps in any way.
>> Also any install issues. (I tend to put my source folders in a
>> separate root level folder, not under Documents and Settings on XP)
> Ditto, and yes, same story.
> cheers,
> peter
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> Peter Hyde, Development Director
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