[DUG] Delphi - why the need for dcus

Richard Vowles richard at developers-inc.co.nz
Mon Sep 10 14:09:04 NZST 2007

Rohit Gupta wrote:
> This applies to all versions of Delphi.  When the compiler has the 
> dcp, map and bpl, why does it still need the dcus ?  Does anyone know ? 
Because they contain the compiled code of the src files that is used at 
> Q2.  If it does need the dcu then what is the dcp for ?
The compiled code that is used at design time by the designer. Remember 
the changes from d5 -> d6 where they enforced design vs runtime?
> Q3.  The crux of the problem, why does it keep recompiling my 3rd 
> party libraries again and again.  I dont want this.  I want to be 100% 
> certain that the code being used is the exact copy of the bpl that the 
> client is getting (which has not been compiled for months).  In D7, I 
> used to move the pas files out of sight.  But this is getting to be a 
> drag now.
The crux of the problem then is that you have your 3rd party libraries 
in your search path for source code. Now I know I am teaching you to 
suck eggs here, but as you are well aware, anything on that search path 
will get compiled when you do a build - including all your 3rd party 
source into their respective dcu/dcp/bpl files. If instead you are 
having a problem where no matter what happens, your 3rd source code 
compiles when you are *not* doing a build, this is usually 
characteristic of your source code being newer than your resultant 
compiled files. This can happen with version control (when one person 
who managed that code has fiddled with their clock), when someone is 
attempting to extend their license of something and has fiddled with 
their clock or because of sheer-Windozeness. There may be other reasons 
but that is the only one I encounter.


Richard Vowles, Product Evangelist
Developers Inc Ltd (for Delphi, C++ Builder, JBuilder, InterBase)
web. http://www.developers-inc.co.nz
ph. +64-9-3600231, mob. +64-275-467747, fax. +64-9-3600384, 
skype. <callto:rvowles/>, LinkedIn, http://twitter.com/RichardVowles
currently working on: Delphi2007, Rails, PHP, Air

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