[DUG] Delphi - why the need for dcus
Todd Martin
toddm at kol.co.nz
Mon Sep 10 11:02:05 NZST 2007
It should not need the dcu's , if your project uses the BPL as a runtime
library. They are only needed, when you want to compile the library directly
into your project exe.
I can only suppose your BPLs use a common pas file, which has had some changes
since one or more of your BPLs were compiled.
On Mon, 10 Sep 2007 10:20, Rohit Gupta wrote:
> This applies to all versions of Delphi. When the compiler has the dcp,
> map and bpl, why does it still need the dcus ? Does anyone know ?
> Q2. If it does need the dcu then what is the dcp for ?
> Q3. The crux of the problem, why does it keep recompiling my 3rd party
> libraries again and again. I dont want this. I want to be 100% certain
> that the code being used is the exact copy of the bpl that the client is
> getting (which has not been compiled for months). In D7, I used to move
> the pas files out of sight. But this is getting to be a drag now.
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