[DUG] Display hebrw in a program

Phil Scadden p.scadden at gns.cri.nz
Mon May 15 09:40:49 NZST 2006

> You could even look at some of the TMS controls. They have Unicode support.
> Also, maybe even have a look at SynEdit controls. Once again, think this
> supports unicode.

If I could get unicode, then there is no problem. My problem is that the
program is reading files that contain single-byte representations of hebrew
which have to use a code-page to interpret. Because these are
written and maintained by another program outside my control, converting
them to unicode is not an option. "on the fly" unicode conversion is
possible I guess.

However for moment, I have stuck with RTF control. It means assembling
strings for rtf in hex but the specification of codepage etc wasn't as hard
as I thought.

Anyway, i will follow up on the unicode links when I get time.

Phil Scadden, Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences
764 Cumberland St, Private Bag 1930, Dunedin, New Zealand
Ph +64 3 4799663, fax +64 3 477 5232

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