[DUG] Learning Delphi adn Lazarus opinions

Benjamin Cooney ben.cooney at compudigm.com
Thu Jul 13 09:27:05 NZST 2006

Good Morning.

I would like to begin learning Delphi.

Pascal was the first language that got me into programming and I expect
Delphi will be another language that I will enjoy using. I'd just like
to appeal to the user group to see if anybody has any recommendations
for someone just beginning with Delphi.

Also what do people think of the FPC and Lazarus setup? My main desktop
machine at home is a dual boot Linux/windows machine but I really prefer
to use Linux and I understand that the Kylix ide is no longer being
supported/developed. Is the Lazarus and FPC combo simular enough to real
delphi to allow me to build up some skills that can be crossed between
or would you really recommend starting with a proper borland  delphi???

Have fun,

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