[DUG] Turbo Delphi

James Sugrue jamessugrue at xtra.co.nz
Fri Aug 11 08:07:44 NZST 2006

Linux is great - I use Gentoo. I even used to use Linux solely and used any
Win32 apps in a VMware window (printing issues forced me to change back to

My point was that Linux isn't even a blip on the Business Desktop radar -
you can come up with Red Hat or Novell inspired propaganda you like, but the
true fact is there just isn't a justifiable reason to develop business
applications for Linux. 

I'd love to be proven wrong.

>> I still think Linux is way over hyped, particularly on the 
>> Business Desktop.  

>Personally I'd say it's not hyped enough, or at least not in the right
>way. I have found that many of the people who criticize Linux either
>have not used it recently or haven't even tried it seriously at all.
>That's not to say Linux is perfect, but in my opinion it has already
>reached a stage where it is usable for many desktop users. Surely if
>Linux is to make any further headway on the desktop it *will* be on the
>business desktop, because that's the place where administrators take
>care of setting up the system and solving any technical issues.


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