[DUG] OpenGL drivers and GLScene

Phil Middlemiss phil at tumonz.co.nz
Mon Jun 13 11:20:11 NZST 2005

Found it - as you suggested, a version check that doesn't look past 
version 1.x is at fault. We haven't been updating the GLScene version we 
use for a while (if it ain't broke....) and now OpenGL have version 2 
out, which I guess the people in question are using. A fudge will have 
to do for now while we look at the latest GLScene offering.


Matt Comb wrote:

> I remember that DelphiX had a similar problem some years back. It was 
> due to an internal routine that basically checked the version of a 
> main dll and ran it through a case statement. If dll version = 
> whatever then version = thisversion.
> The drawback being that all versions had to be calculated in the units 
> and when a new version was released, the units said they no longer 
> worked, even though they probably did if directx was backwardly 
> compatible.
> I haven't worked with GLScene for a year, but its possible it does a 
> similar thing.
> I would do a search on the units for the error message (e.g. v1.1) and 
> see if you can trace it back. If you find it, you may need to fudge 
> the unit temporarily and report the error back to Eric or Mike
> Matt.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Phil Middlemiss" <phil at tumonz.co.nz>
> To: "NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List" <delphi at ns3.123.co.nz>
> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 10:47 AM
> Subject: [DUG] OpenGL drivers and GLScene
>> We use the Delphi GLScene components to provide OpenGL graphics in 
>> our product and just recently we have had a few people complain that 
>> they are getting an error message saying that they need OpenGL v1.1 
>> to run that functionality, even though they have a higher version of 
>> the OpenGL drivers installed.
>> Does anyone know what's up with this? I'm going to post a question on 
>> the GLScene forums also, but since most of the contributors are 
>> probably still having their "Sunday" currently, I thought I would 
>> check here first.
>> Cheers,
>> Phil.
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