NZ Consumer Protection is pretty good in this area - extended warranties are a con, that's for sure, but if your monitor is 4 years old then I'd say you've had "expected use" out of it.<br><br>Goods in NZ are expected to last a reasonable time before failing. Just because something goes wrong after 12 months doesn't mean it isn't covered under warranty - if it is something that you might reasonably expect to NOT have gone wrong in the time that it did, then the manufacturer has to take reasonable steps to address it.<br>
<br>e..g if a motor or a bearing in a washing machine fails after 2-3 years this is not reasonable as those parts are supposed to last much, much, longer.<br><br>But I would say that 4 years is a reasonable time after which a mains transformer in a monitor might fail.<br>
<br>You could try your luck with Dell but I would say you are on fairly weak ground, so if they do offer to do anything about I would be grateful, rather than being upset if they don't.<br><br><br>But, if Dell don't consider themselves responsible you still have another option... home contents insurance (which is the biggest reason that extended warranties are a con).<br>
<br>Check your cover. :)<br><br><br>FWIW I totally understand your wanting a large monitor. One big monitor is much better than 2 smaller ones for certain use cases. It's not about the total number of pixels but how applications you use can arrange themselves in a contiguous area covered by those pixels.<br>
<br>The 27" 2560x1440 display on my iMac is more useful to me than 2 x 1920x1080 ever were. But the monitor industry seems to have become fixated on "HD" resolution and reasonably priced options above that resolution are VERY limited (Dell still being one of the top choices I'd say).<br>
<div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Good luck.</div>