One last thought. perhaps something to try, or remove, just to see if it has an impact.<br><br>I cannot tell from your original post.<br><br>Are you Creating a file, and then immediately using fileexists to verify that it was made.<br>
or are you creating all the files, and then looping fileexists against a known list of filenames you expect?<br><br>I wonder if you should remove the fileexists check from the thread, based on the fact that <br>if you didn't raise an error then the files will exist. perhaps the speed of the checks<br>
is creating some kind of file attribute conflict. Only suggesting it as a way of elimintaing a possible weirdness<br><br>I've certainly had a number of occasions in windows where filestreams that I've opened and closed <br>
cannot be deleted from explorer because it thinks I've still got the file locked.. I put it down to an<br>internal windows or vcl issue.<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 3:06 AM, Kyley Harris <span dir="ltr"><<a href=""></a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">I know this might be a stupid question.. but what filenaming convention are you using?<br><br>its not a random name based on Time or something where file names are accidentally reused?<br>
im sure its not, but have to ask. <br><div class="HOEnZb"><div class="h5">
<br><div class="gmail_quote">On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 12:14 AM, David Moorhouse <span dir="ltr"><<a href="" target="_blank"></a>></span> wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">
Hi Peter<br>
JC and I are working with JB on this project and it has us all stumped.<br>
Only one thread writes these files. Standard threaded app, with one<br>
thread creating the files, and then signalling another thread when it<br>
has finished to consume the files.<br>
As JB says, the writer thread creates each file, then uses FileExists to<br>
check it is on disk. This all works ok.<br>
However when the consuming thread does a FileFirst/FileNext scan some of<br>
the files do NOT exist on the disk.<br>
Single threading the app is not an option unfortunately :(<br>
We are nervous about the sleep - hence the call to the list. Any other<br>
help appreciated.<br>
<span><font color="#888888"><br>
On 12/04/12 16:07, Peter Ingham wrote:<br>
> Just wondering of the key word in the problem description is ... "Thread".<br>
> Do you have multiple threads writing these files?<br>
> Are you sure your code is multi-thread safe?<br>
> Are you sure the VCL routines you are using are multi-thread safe (a<br>
> number are not)!!<br>
> If you force the app to have only one thread, does the problem go away?<br>
> If you force parts of the operation to run in the context of the main<br>
> thread (synchronize), does the problem go away?<br>
> Experience shows that short sleeps often change the conditions of a<br>
> threading bug. I get especially nervous working with multi-threaded<br>
> code when I find sleeps that are there to "Fix" bugs.<br>
> Cheers<br>
> On 12/04/2012 2:59 p.m., Steve Peacocke wrote:<br>
>> Hi John,<br>
>> All I can say is that I came across this before and resolved it in much<br>
>> the same way. I looked up the issue at the time and there was some<br>
>> convoluted explanation but in the end I just put it down to the<br>
>> programmer (me) being so fast that even a computer couldn't keep up. I<br>
>> could live with that explanation.<br>
>> This was about 10 years ago.<br>
>> Steve<br>
>> On Thursday, 12 April 2012, John Bird wrote:<br>
>> I came across an oddity in a program that creates lots (eg 30,000+)<br>
>> files exporting selected data from a database.<br>
>> Some files disappear on slower PCs even though they are created.<br>
>> * Files are created in a thread using TFilestream, in a loop<br>
>> * Each file is being checked that it gets created using a if<br>
>> FileExists(filename) in the loop and they always seem to be there.<br>
>> * Files are written at the rate of around 20-30 per second and are<br>
>> mostly around 3KB in size.<br>
>> * At the end of the big loop a list of files created is created by<br>
>> the usual FindNext code.<br>
>> * On some slower PC’s (XP or Server 2003) some files are missing.<br>
>> Faster PC’s with Win7 have all the files. All PC’s are VMs.<br>
>> * Files missing might range from 10 to 500, never the same number<br>
>> * The problem can be cured by putting a 2 millisecond sleep<br>
>> between creating each file. 1 Millisecond is not enough.<br>
>> Can anyone shed any light on why this might be the underlying issue<br>
>> and why a sleep might fix it?<br>
>> John Bird<br>
>> --<br>
>> Steve Peacocke<br>
>> Mobile: 0220 612-611<br>
>> Linkedin Professional Profile<br>
>> <<a href="" target="_blank"></a>><br>
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</div></div></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br></div></div><span class="HOEnZb"><font color="#888888">-- <br>Kyley Harris<br>Harris Software<br><a href="tel:%2B64-21-671-821" value="+6421671821" target="_blank">+64-21-671-821</a><br>
</font></span></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Kyley Harris<br>Harris Software<br>+64-21-671-821<br>