Hi all,<br><br>Embarcadero and us are trying to organize a mini-conference focused around the Delphi community - but where not just Delphi is the focus. I was thinking there is a wealth of experience out there on all sorts of topics - from build, deploy, configuration, testing, tips and techniques, etc. So this is really a call to see if there is anyone in the community who would like to speak/present stuff they do. Damien is coming out from Australia - and he has a 1/2 day of material he can cover - I have asked Embarcadero if we can extend it to a full day and add in content from you guys. Of course, if no-one wants to present, we'll stick with Damien's presentations.<br>
<br>Personally I'm particularly interested in people who would be using FinalBuilder (the full version - in anger), AQTime or similar for functional testing, and mechanisms for unit testing.<br><br>You can let me know here or privately - keeping the discussion in the open I think would be good as we could narrow down topics or get people who would present together on topics. <br>
<br>Looking forward to being inundated!<br><br>Richard<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>---<br>Richard Vowles, Technical Advisor<br>Developers Inc Ltd<br>web. <a href="http://www.developers-inc.co.nz" target="_blank">http://www.developers-inc.co.nz</a><br>
mob. +64-275-467747 <br>twitter. developersinc<br><br><br><br>