Hi All,<br />
<br />
I have a .net dll which I could import to Delphi 6. But it loses some information.<br />
I have a demo application in VB.net to use this dll which shows 2 interfaces called<br />
IRedeemTransactionItemBundle and ITransactionItemBundle. In visual studio 2008, I could see , ITransactionItemBundle <br />
Is the base type of IRedeemTransactionItemBundle. So when I decare a variable of type IRedeemTransactionItemBundle,<br />
I could access all properties of both interfaces. But when I import the dll to Delphi 6, I could see<br />
both IRedeemTransactionItemBundle and ITransactionItemBundle declaration part. But there is no information shows<br />
ITransactionItemBundle is the base type of IRedeemTransactionItemBundle. Also when I declare a variable of type <br />
IRedeemTransactionItemBundle in Delphi, I am not able to access properties of ITransactionItemBundle [the base type].<br />
<br />
When I tried to register tpe library in tlb editor by setting the base type of IRedeemTransactionItemBundle to <br />
ITransactionItemBundle, I am getting the error “Parent Interface already has a member with id:1610743808”.<br />
I have attached the screenshot. I could see properties of both interfaces have same ID in the tlb editor.<br />
<br />
I tried to import the same dll using Delphi 7 also. But no help. <br />
Is that a problem with Delphi ? Have any of you experienced such a problem in importing kindly give me some thoughts.<br />
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Any help is appreciated.<br />
<br />
Thank you,<br />
<br />
Kind Regards<br />
Sinu <br />
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