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<br>I have aMicrosoft SQL Server database which has two automatic processes as "users" and one operator-driven application.<br><br>On occasions the system operator needs to delete a record and the operator's DBGrid display needs to be updated when one of the other process changes a field value in a record.<br><br>The form has a DBGrid object connected via a DataSource object to an ADOQuery object - pretty standard stuff. The only reason for using a Query object as opposed to a Table object is that I need to order the records in the DBGrid on a field other than the primary key (I didn't design this database).<br><br>How do I get the query object's data to auto refresh when one of the other processes changes or deletes a record, or alternatively how can I get notification of that event? Is there a property on the ADO Query object that I can set that will do this?<br><br>Eric<br><br><br>                                            </body>