Hi all.<br>I know a few of you out there work with Interbase so I thought I might ask the following question here.<br><br>I want to create a stored procedure that creates a table. So I am doing :-<br><br><br>CREATE PROCEDURE MySP_ AS <br>
begin<br> create table DAR_RESULTS<br>(<br>PATIENTID char(7),<br>TEST_NAME varchar(30),<br>WHENRECEIVED date,<br>RESULT varchar(16)<br>);<br>END<br><br><br>However, it doesnt like this and complains avout the "(" althought when I removed this it still gave the same error :-)<br>
<br>can someone who knows IB a bit better point me in the right direction?<br><br><br>Jeremy<br>