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<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Well as I understand using 120DPI is for the same
reason - making app windows larger and easier to read on the screen - or at
least the text larger. I have users with oldest to newest screens - from
about 800x600 up to 1920x1024 so I have to do something like this for the form
to be fairly consistent </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Mainly I want to figure out how to set my ScaleBy
routine so its not thrown by 120DPI - how does it affect windows controls and
their sizing - anyone there can shed clear light on this?</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Specifically are the screen.height
screen.width figures still accurate, and does
Screen.PixelsPerInch, and form1.pixelsPerInch </DIV>
<P class=MsoNormal><FONT size=2 face=Arial>return the correct
values? Mainly I want to figure out there is a different
relationship in grids between grid.width grid.defaultrowheight and
grid.font.size - or maybe its as simple as doing the Form.ScaleBy before rather
than after doing the grid adjustments...</FONT></P>
<P class=MsoNormal><FONT size=2 face=Arial></FONT> </P>
<P class=MsoNormal><FONT size=2 face=Arial>The main problem is I don't have a
120DPI screen to test on. If I am testing on a laptop is it feasible
to set to 120DPI or will it mess up too much other general windows
<P class=MsoNormal><FONT size=2 face=Arial></FONT> </P>
<P class=MsoNormal><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Also - does your stuff handle
144DPI? I saw references that that setting is also appearing - looks to be
an option in Windows 7.</FONT></P>
<P class=MsoNormal> <o:p></o:p></P></DIV></FONT>
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>John</FONT></DIV>
style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri','sans-serif'; COLOR: #1f497d"><o:p> </o:p></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV class=Section1>
<P class=MsoNormal><SPAN
style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri','sans-serif'; COLOR: #1f497d">I’ve never used
ScaleBy so cannot really help. I don’t see that being useful in many
cases. Operators often use large monitors with high resolutions so they
can fit more app windows on the screen at the same time. Forcing the app
to take up more space doesn’t make sense to me.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P>
<P class=MsoNormal><SPAN
style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri','sans-serif'; COLOR: #1f497d"><o:p> </o:p></SPAN></P>
<P class=MsoNormal><SPAN
style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri','sans-serif'; COLOR: #1f497d">Ross.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P></DIV></BODY></HTML>