.hmmessage P
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I have a situation where I need to communicate with a communications server using Indy TCP sockets. <BR>
After sending the command the server returns an "OK" response with a second or two to acknowledge the acceptance of the command, however the reponse from the end device (returned via the server) may take several minutes to eventuate (or a else the sever returns a timeout message). I need to be able to buffer the responses, be aware of when new strings arrinve, and carry on with other tasks. This threading aspect shouldn't be an issue as I understand that Indy is naturally multitrheaded by design.<BR>
I'm not familiar with using the Indy sockets and since there's no "received data event" (due to the nature of the design) I'm wondering how I capture the asynchronous responses sensibly?<BR>
Does anyone have some code to show me how to use the Indy 10 TCPClient component in this way (for the receive part) ? Its probably pretty simple but I need to get my head around it quickly.<BR>
Eric<BR><br /><hr />Start searching now <a href='http://a.ninemsn.com.au/b.aspx?URL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eallrealestate%2Eco%2Enz%2Fcgi%2Dbin%2Frsearch%3Fa%3Dbhp%26t%3Dren%26cu%3Frsf%3Dmsnz%5Ftextlink&_t=26000&_r=REANZ_tagline&_m=EXT' target='_new'>Rental properties galore.</a></body>