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I need to create a Google Earth kml file from a database of coordinates. I'm looking for some simple Delphi code (either the code or a link to a site with code) to create the kml file.<br><br>I did this some time ago using .NET using the XML classes in the .ENT framework but I'd prefer to go with Delphi this time.<br><br>Can anyone assist? I've no problem with the database end, and I don't need to parse any xml code I just need to understand how to do the xml stuff to create basic placemarks in a kml file format. I don't imagine that there's much code involved.<br><br>Any help appreciated.<br><br>Eric<br><br /><hr />Click here <a href='http://a.ninemsn.com.au/b.aspx?URL=http%3A%2F%2Fmsn%2Eseek%2Eco%2Enz%2FID%5FSEEKNZMAIN%5FUSR%2FPages%2Falliance%5Fhomepage%2Eascx%3FComeFrom%3Dmsnnz%26tracking%3Dsk%3Asptlmini%3Ask%3Amsnnz%3A0%3Awindowslive%3A%231&_t=757263783&_r=Seek_NZ_tagline_no1&_m=EXT' target='_new'>SEEK New Zealand's #1 jobsite</a></body>