<div><br clear="all">Hi I am using delphi 5 with sql server 2000. I need help in using tclientdataset.</div>
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<div>My actual scenario is i am using tquery to fetch some record.</div>
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<div>let say ssql := 'select * from tabl1 where x in(select * from table 3 where y>2) '</div>
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<div>qry.open. </div>
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<div>now my main concern is how do i copy the output of the above qry to clientdataset memory. </div>
<div>do i have to use some dataset provider too with this. I am new to cleintdataset thing. I mostly use tquery</div>
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<div>Sorry for my ignorance, but i will apreciate if someone help me with this </div>
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<div> <br> vikas </div>