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<div>I have one query to rotate the text in label in delphi 5</div>
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<div>anyone have any ideas how to do it</div>
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<div>i have used to following code but dint helped me</div>
<div> </div><font face="Mono3Quark-Regular" size="1">
<p></p></font><font face="Mono3Quark-Regular" size="1"><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff"><br><font face="arial,sans-serif" size="2">var<br> ALogFont: TLogFont;<br> hFont: THandle;<br>begin<br> ALogFont.lfHeight := Font.Height;<br>
ALogFont.lfEscapement := 900;<br> ALogFont.lfOrientation := 900;<br> hFont := CreateFontIndirect (ALogFont);<br> Label1.Canvas.Font.Handle :=hFont;<br> Label1.Canvas.TextOut(1,1 ,'hello');</font></font>
<div>Vikas<br clear="all"><br>-- <br> vikas </div>