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Another pitfall for young players.<br>
Taa = class()<br>
class var xx : yy;<br>
zz : integer<br>
The xx declaration makes all other variables after it class ones as
well. I know its documented, but one doesn't realise the impact until
after falling in the hole. And the hole remains in my code for a
future developer to fall into. This is specially bad after being used
to the class function declaration which works differently.<br>
I hate this sort of stuff, the code can not become more robust if a
declaration of a new variable affects previous declarations.<br>
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<div align="left"><strong><font size="2"><font color="#666666"
face="Verdana">Rohit Gupta</font></font></strong></div>
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B.E. Elec. M.E. Mem IEEE
Associate IEE</font></font></strong></div>
<div align="left"><strong><font size="2"><font color="#666666"
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