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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN class=637590911-02102007>Hi
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN
class=637590911-02102007></SPAN></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN class=637590911-02102007>I've never done any
CF.NET stuff so wanted to try a little test app. After loading the new
RadStudio2007 I assumed we'd have something more than BDS2006 had in this area.
It seems though we have less, as they have removed WinForms.</SPAN></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN
class=637590911-02102007></SPAN></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN class=637590911-02102007>Does this mean we
have to go back to BDS2006 to do any CF.NET, or should we not be using Delphi at
all for this any more?</SPAN></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN
class=637590911-02102007></SPAN></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN class=637590911-02102007>I remember seeing
the demos by David I last year, doing it the hard way, and also doing it the
easy way using some helper stuff from Jeremy
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN
class=637590911-02102007></SPAN></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN class=637590911-02102007>Is this at least
still possible in 2007?</SPAN></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN
class=637590911-02102007></SPAN></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN class=637590911-02102007>I only want to do
some hobby programming at this stage so Delphi would be
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN
class=637590911-02102007></SPAN></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN class=637590911-02102007>I gather from older
threads on this list that serious CF work should probably be done in VS and
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<P align=left><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000080
size=1>Regards,<BR><BR>Steve Barker<BR><FONT color=#ff8000><STRONG>Webdata
Ltd</STRONG></FONT><BR><STRONG><FONT color=#ff8000>ph +64 9
4103074</FONT></STRONG> </FONT></P>