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The filenames match. the project files are another story. Does anyone
know what the different extensions mean ? <br>
Question 2 : Why have new extensions bene created that appear to be the
same files as in D2005 (the only thing I can see is that bds has been
replaced by "d"). The same misguided effort has gone in the registry
where some things are under borland, others under codegear. I wish
they would stop changing the root for registry and files.<br>
Qs 3: Does anyone really want their projects under Documents and
Settings ?<br>
The only plus so far is the use of renaming variable refactoring
thingy. But even that is sometimes stubborn - ie refusing to do it.
Myles Penlington wrote:
<pre wrap="">Hmm,
2 Possible options come to mind.
1. Unit name does not match file name.
2. The dproj file has been corrupted in some way.
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On Behalf Of Jeremy North
Sent: Thursday, 16 August 2007 12:11
To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
Subject: Re: [DUG] D2007 and phantom files
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">After update 2, which I had to succumb to as it kept pestering me....
<pre wrap=""><!---->
Delete the AutoRun key in the registry (HKCU\Software\Borland\BDS\5.0)
to stop the pestering
I can't recall the solution to the project manager doing that. I'll
see if I can find one.
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