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I am going round the bend trying to convert VirtualTreeView to D2007.
I did not have any problems doing the same for D7 or D2005.<br>
There are two packages VirtualTreesD11 and VirtualTreesD11D. The
former being runtime and contains the source and compiles fine. The
latter is the designtime and requires the former and contains only one
small unit that does the registration. This will not compile, it
insists that VirtualTrees is already in the runtime package and must be
I also not that the Project Manager is putting rubbish in the contains
node which is all permutations of the path plus the sourcefile name.
where the path is D11. I keep fixing this and it invents the rubbish
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<div align="left"><strong><font size="2"><font color="#666666"
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B.E. Elec. M.E. Mem IEEE
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<div align="left"><strong><font size="2"><font color="#666666"
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