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Is there going to only 4 of us ?<br>
Richard Vowles wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:45DA664F.7030609@developers-inc.co.nz" type="cite">Hi
If you have an application written in *one* or more Codegear products
and could like to have it listed on our web site (along with your logo,
contact information, etc) please let me know. I'm looking at a formal
mechanism by which to expose these, figure out which ones would make
good printed stories, items for the newsletter and which ones can be
used in user group presentations and/or taken to the press.
I'd personally like to ensure that there is a good developer focus to
the stories rather than just being business impact - so if you are
interested, even if you may need to get permission from your customers
or management, please let me know!
I have scheduled a Delphi user group meeting for April. Not sure when
exactly yet or what content but if you wish to join the Auckland Delphi
group, please head over to
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://delphi.meetup.com/176/">http://delphi.meetup.com/176/</a>
and join up. Then I can notify you of the when/where. I will try and
get it broadcast on CodeGear's InterWise so if you are out of Auckland
and want to take part, you may also wish to join in.
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