<div>I couldn't see if any one had posted this or not so hewre goes . .</div>
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<div>Bitwise E-zine</div>
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<div><span class="heading">FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS<br></span><span class="crossheadsmall">or: Life After Borland…</span>
<p class="strap1">Delphi, Kylix, Java, Eclipse, PHP, Ruby - and is Sun Microsystems right to suggest that Delphi "got it wrong"? … just a few of the subjects we talk about with Borland/DevoCo Chief Scientist, <strong>
Allen Bauer</strong>, in this exclusive Bitwise interview…</p></div>
<div><a href="http://www.bitwisemag.com/copy/programming/borland/allen_bauer_interview.html">http://www.bitwisemag.com/copy/programming/borland/allen_bauer_interview.html</a></div>