<div>" I got a shock the other day when I discovered that records<br>now support methods and public / private parts (compatibility with .NET<br>I guess)."</div>
<div> </div>
<div>A while ago I took the supplied pdf for "Delphi Language Guide" to a photocopy shop, got a quote and had them print it out and spiral bind it with nice plastic covers. And every now and then I sit and read it while supping Java.
<div> </div>
<div>Paul <br>
<br><br> </div>
<div><span class="gmail_quote">On 30/05/06, <b class="gmail_sendername">Paul A Norman</b> <<a href="mailto:paul.a.norman@gmail.com">paul.a.norman@gmail.com</a>> wrote:</span>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid">
<div>D4 - D7 like a golden age of help files, then came the decline D8 .. D2005 .. and 2006 (I am told)</div>
<div><span class="e" id="q_10b83356746890de_1"><br><br>
<div><span class="gmail_quote">On 30/05/06, <b class="gmail_sendername">Alister Christie</b> <<a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="mailto:alister@salespartner.co.nz" target="_blank">alister@salespartner.co.nz
</a>> wrote:</span>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid">I personally think the help is pretty good - although it is definitely<br>not comprehensive (the D7 Help anyway, haven't done much with BDS2006 as
<br>yet). Most problems I get I google anyway - it's often faster than<br>finding a solution in the help - particularly when you don't know<br>exactly what you are looking for. I think the other solution is to get<br>the various books. The help has never been very useful in saying what's
<br>new either - I got a shock the other day when I discovered that records<br>now support methods and public / private parts (compatibility with .NET<br>I guess).<br><br>Alister<br>> Just wish a better help was<br>> available.
<br>><br>> ----------------------------------------------------------<br>> Phil Scadden, Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences<br>> 764 Cumberland St, Private Bag 1930, Dunedin, New Zealand<br>> Ph +64 3 4799663, fax +64 3 477 5232
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