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Which web app? I'll assume the <g> means that by now most people
on the list know it's the TUMONZ Live map
(<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.tumonz.co.nz/mapplet.php">http://www.tumonz.co.nz/mapplet.php</a>).<br>
Just to give you an idea of the scope (we are constantly adding
features to it - currently adding some subscription only layers to it
available soon), it consists of (roughly, from memory):<br>
<li>4 or 5 ISAPI DLLs (Delphi)<br>
<li>4 Windows services (Delphi)</li>
<li>6 seperate databases (Firebird/Interbase)</li>
<li>1 Java applet</li>
<li>multiple Javascript scripts</li>
<li>operating across (ultimately) 9 servers for load balancing and
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<pre wrap="">3. Web application
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Which one? <g> Ditto, but not exclusively.