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myOffice Email Message
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<meta name="date" content="2002-11-01">
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<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif ">Hi all,</span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif ">Message from the recruiting front for those interested. Contact Carl Boag direct at carl@alexanderexec.co.nz</span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif ">kr</span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif ">Gary</span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif ">_______________________________________________</span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">Hi Gary, </span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">Here is the job description as promised. I actually have two roles for</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">junior to intermediate developers who primarily enjoy working with Delphi</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">and aren't always wanting to jump languages and work with the most recent.</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">They must have some exposure to commercial development work, preferably 12</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">months + or be super-keen, switched on and driven and the package obviously</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">depends on the experience.</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">I do appreciate you forwarding the details on to those on your mail list who</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">could benefit.</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">Please let me know if I can do anything further,</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">Regards</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">Carl</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">Delphi Developer</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">Strong communication skills </span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">Team personality with desire to learn </span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">Delphi, Mysql or SQL Server </span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">Our client is an Australasian Business Integrator with an excellent track</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">record and fantastic company culture.</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">They require a personality with a hunger to succeed and the desire to grow</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">within a company which promotes personal development.</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">You will be a graduate with up to 2 years development experience with</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">Delphi. Any experience with Mysql, SQL Server or similar would be</span></span>
<span style=
"font-family:MS Sans Serif "><span style=
"font-size:8pt; ">advantageous.</span></span><p>
<font face=arial size = 1 color = Navy><DIV style="WIDTH: 260px; HEIGHT: 50px"><MARQUEE id=marquee1 style="WIDTH: 260px; HEIGHT: 200px" trueSpeed scrollAmount=5 scrollDelay=20 direction=right behavior=slide loop=1 border="2"><hr><table><tr><td><FONT color=black size=4 face = "helvetica,verdana,arial">Gary Benner </FONT></td></tr><tr><td><FONT face="arial, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" color=black size=2>e-Engineer, Lecturer, and Software Developer</FONT></td></tr><br>
<tr><td bgcolor=><FONT face="arial, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" color=#000099 size=2><B><A HREF="http://www.123.co.nz" style="text-decoration:none; color:blue">123 Internet Limited</A></B></FONT></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=><FONT face="arial, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" color=#000099 size=2><B><A HREF="http://www.waiariki.ac.nz" style="text-decoration:none; color:#993333">Waiariki Institute of Technology</A></B></FONT></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=><FONT face="arial, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" color=#CECE00 size=2><B><A HREF="http://www.sunshinebags.co.nz" style="text-decoration:none; color:#CECE00">Sunshine Garden Bag Co.</A></B></FONT></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=><FONT face="arial, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" color=red size=2><B><A HREF="http://www.sommnet.com" style="text-decoration:none; color:red" >Sommnet.com Limited</A></B></FONT></td></tr><tr><td><font face = "helvetica,verdana,arial" size = 1>Mob: 021 966 992</font></td></tr><tr><td><font face = "helvetica,verdana,arial" size = 1>Email: <A href="mailto:gary@123.co.nz" >gary@123.co.nz</A> </font></td></tr></table></MARQUEE></DIV><br>
Ref#: 41006<br>